Although currently, you may still get Updates, Microsoft is likely to change its policy in the future. Some apps and features will stop working. Anything related to Personalization will be grayed out or not accessible. You will not be able to change the wallpaper, accent colors, themes, lock screen, and so on. There will be a ‘ Windows isn’t activated, Activate Windows now‘ notification in Settings. I am not sure how frequent it will be, but you will notice it every day. Windows will send out notifications asking you to activate Windows. A watermark will remain at the lower right-hand corner saying Activate Windows. Here is the list of limitations you will face in this situation: Read: Can a Free copy of Windows 10 be secure? Post-installation, you should be able to use Windows 10 for the next 30 days without any limitations. Windows 10, unlike its previous versions, doesn’t force you to enter a product key during the setup process. You are authorized to use this software only if you are properly licensed and the software has been properly activated with a genuine product key or by other authorized method.
So now you know that it is not necessary to Activate Windows 10 – but you should know that the Microsoft retail license agreement, section 5 states: How long can you use Windows 10 without Activation Gone are those days when Microsoft forced consumers to buy a license and kept rebooting the computer every two hours if they ran out of grace period for activation. Ever wondered how long you can use Windows 10 without a product key or activation? A simple answer is that you can use it forever, but in the long term, some of the features will be disabled.